My aim is to be a helping hand to ensure your written texts are polished and shining bright.

You have put in hard work on the writing, and now is the time to get the message across effectively to your audience. Think this stage will be complicated? It will not be if you hire me. I will make sure the whole process is as hassle-free as possible.

If you have been searching for a friendly, professional proofreader who will support you every step of the way, then look no further. I am an entry-level member of the Chartered Institute of Editing and Proofreading (CIEP), and I have completed a number of their training courses. I am fully committed to my ongoing professional development. I will always offer to proofread a short sample for you free of charge. This way you can be reassured that I am the person for the job.



I will find and correct any errors in a document in its paged and fully designed form before it is published or placed online. This is the final stage of the editing process. Proofreading will involve:

  • checking the edited text in its final layout

  • finding essential errors in spelling, grammar and punctuation

  • making minor changes to ensure it makes sense

  • ensuring all page elements are consistent and correctly placed and that the chosen style is followed

  • checking that tables and illustrations are consecutively numbered and placed correctly

  • checking all references, citations and indexes are correctly formatted.


You may not have heard of proof-editing, but it is a hybrid of copy-editing and proofreading. I would expect to work on your document in Microsoft Word using track changes and comment boxes. All of the items listed above for proofreading will apply, but there might be a little more in the way of editing, rewriting and even restructuring. Usually more intervention is involved, and so my rate would reflect this.

How will the changes be marked on the document?

I will ask for your preferred format e.g. PDF or MS Word. I can mark the changes:

  • on paper (using the BSI standard proofreading marks)

  • in Microsoft Word (using track changes and comment boxes)

  • on PDFs by annotating with text mark-up and commenting tools

  • on PDFs by using stamps to replicate the BSI standard proofreading marks.